- I have had the opportunity to work three different jobs, two of which were internships in my interested career field and one of which was a part-time job working as a student assistant on-campus. Therefore, I would say my different work experiences has allowed me to gain a lot of knowledge about different fields, such as consulting and retail.
- Growing up I constantly had to move around a lot. I can recall moving approximately ten times in my 22 years of my life. These experiences have allowed me to gain the skill of adaptability and openness to change.
- As a fourth year, I feel that I have gained a plethora of knowledge with my double major in Psychology and Management. Upon graduation, I will have a degree in two completely different fields and I think that sets me apart from my colleagues.
- Living with 16 other girls for the past four years (I live in a scholarship house where rent is free) and I’ve had to build on my interpersonal and communication skills to be able to live communally. In addition to that, I believe because of how many diverse relationships I’ve created within my household, I have learned to be empathetic and considerate as well.
- I was born in a different country, Ukraine and grew up in a household where Ukrainian was spoken regularly. Therefore, I have been fortunate to be bilingual. I also have been learning the French language and have basic speaking and writing skills.
Rony talked about my more sociable attributes, such as my charisma and ability to connect with others. He also reflected on my cultural background and upbringing which he believes plays into my determination with school and work.
Recording #2 - Anatalie Dantes, one of my roommates
Anatalie geared her answer towards my past work experiences and my ability to be adaptable. This interview was more reflective of what I wrote about myself.
Recording #3 - Veronica Eslava, one of my roommates
Veronica went a bit in-depth and focused on my strengths as a person. She emphasized on how I am in a more social setting, specifically with my friends or loved ones. There was a greater emphasis on my emotions and how they contribute to my human capital.
Recording #4 - Sofia Calderon, one of my roommates
Sofia was able to expand on many of my attributes, such as my emotional abilities and experiences. She even mentioned my cultural background and how it is a big part of my identity.
Recording #5 - Mason Cheng, my boyfriend
Mason truly delved deep on my involvement on and off-campus and how those experiences have shaped who I am. He talked about my interpersonal skills and how they've been beneficial in my personal life and throughout my internship experiences.
All in all, some of the interviews aligned with my description of my human capital. I noticed most of my friends and loved ones focused on my more personable attributes, such as being a caring person or having empathy. I focused more on the pragmatic skills I've gained since I find it a bit uncomfortable talking about myself. I based my descriptions on my experiences whether it was with work or on-campus involvement. It was interesting to hear people talk about attributes that I never truly think about or dwell on. I guess it's kind of like asking someone to talk about how great they are. It's pretty uncomfortable and might not provide the most accurate responses. Overall, I feel that my list was pretty accurate on what makes me different, since the attributes were more tangible, but next time I'll have to incorporate more intangible attributes since they seem to be just as important.
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